The mission of the HTXelerator is to identify and prepare future-focused leaders for public service and educate the community about solutions that will improve Houstonians' quality of life for generations to come.
Our Story
The HTXelerator launched in September 2021 to encourage civic leaders and voters to support big ideas to move this city boldly into the future.
Houston is the fourth largest city in the nation, the most diverse, and an economic powerhouse. Its legacy industries and lack of zoning in many ways have made us the force we are today. With a steady influx of new residents and a current metro area population of 7.1 million residents, it’s essential that we focus on sustainable planning and economic diversity to keep us on top.
Our vision is an inclusive community that provides opportunity for all its citizens. To make this vision a reality, we identify and prepare future-focused leaders through our innovative HTXelerator program and guide them toward public service. We also educate and support civic leaders and the public about policy solutions that position Houston for future success.
Our main focus: the future. It’s our responsibility to take action today that prepares our region for tomorrow so that all — current and future residents — can benefit from the promise of Houston, Texas.
The HTXelerator
The HTXelerator is an innovative and unique program that recruits and trains community leaders interested in advocating for future-focused city policy, serving on a city board or commission or, in some instances, running for city council.
Similar to a tech accelerator, the three-month program trains class members on the nuts and bolts of city government, matches each member of the cohort with a mentor — most of whom are current or former elected officials — and ends with a competition, known as The Pitch, which enables each participant to put forward a policy platform that they would advocate in a hypothetical race.
Pitch finalists compete in a live, public event known as the HTXL Games before a panel of expert judges, resulting in gold, silver, and bronze medal winners. Topics covered during the immersive opening and closing weekend retreats and weekly education sessions include transportation, public safety, land use, diversity & social equity, economic development, homelessness, city finances, utilities, media training, how to run a campaign, among many others.
The HTXelerator is a 501(c)(3) charitable nonprofit corporation.
Our Focus
Progress takes vision. We need leaders who think big and innovate to move our city forward. In a city of over 640 square miles that consistently ranks as one of the fastest growing cities in the nation, Houston needs a sustainable growth strategy.
Good Government
Good policy starts with good government. The core function of local government is to serve the interests of all citizens living within its boundaries. Conversely, when government disproportionately focuses on certain "special interests" and not the whole, it fails to carry out its mission. In its training, education, and actions, the HTXelerator promotes good government and develops leaders to implement policies that benefit the entire community, not the few.
Every successful organization starts with its people. City policymakers should be no exception. The HTXelerator is an innovative and unique program that recruits, and trains community leaders interested in advocating for future-focused city policy, serving on a city board or commission or, in some instances, running for city council.
Responsible Growth
Consistent and predictable population growth in Houston is not arguable. It’s a fact. Developing policy to more efficiently house people and enable them to travel in and out of the city using various modes of transportation is the only responsible approach to growth. It’s time to approach growth and how to plan for it from a data-driven standpoint.
Smart Cities
The Smart Cities movement aims to create cities that embrace sustainable economic development and high quality of life by excelling in multiple key areas, including economy, mobility, environment, people, living, and government. When there is a commitment and focus on all these areas working together, cities thrive, and their citizens enjoy better quality of life.

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